Crafting new digital touch points for the Adidas Terrex Winter campaign.
The pitch brief was to produce a new, digital experience, providing online touch points for the ‘Find Your Summit’ Terrex winter campaign. The experiences would be incorporated into the existing Adidas website and those of third-party sellers. The aim was to provide users with an elevated shopping experience in order to achieve an increased conversion rate whilst also positioning Adidas Terrex as a trusted, informative, brand and boosting the brand’s value within the extremely competitive outerwear sector. The proposed digital experiences played a vital role in Iris winning the pitch and securing substantial new business.
Working closely with the IE, Dev, CX, Strategy and Design teams, I defined two new web experiences.
The first was a ‘summit exploration tool’ that directly tied in with the creative, print ad, and video ad work that was being produced for the pitch. The experience invited users to explore the ‘summits’ faced by Adidas athletes, learning how they overcame their challenges and the part played by their Terrex kit. The experience also featured the Adidas YouTube channel, and showcased companies that Adidas partners with in the form of Strava and Komoot integrations.
The second experience was a Terrex kit wardrobe builder. Beginning by asking the user a short set of questions to help define their upcoming journey, they are then presented with a result screen detailing expected weather conditions, the ‘adventure wardrobe’ builder, and further recommendations for kit they may need. To ensure that the wardrobe builder experience would be both informative and engaging, a video game style ‘character creator’ was devised as the main engagement mechanic. Users can cycle through Adidas Terrex products best suited to their chosen activity, building up their layering system, and creating their perfect adventure wardrobe before either moving through to the purchase journey or receiving a breakdown of their adventure wardrobe via email.
to put the finishing touches on the ‘Wardrobe Builder’ prototype, I did a studio shoot with Terrex kit, showcasing how the layering systems worked.